Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Another day off!

I can say that I needed to have today off or else I would have called in sick.  Malissa needs me to work all day Friday so I got today off and boy am I glad.  I had no voice at all.  I tried to talk as little as possible which is REALLY hard when you have stuff to say!

Olivia woke 3 times last night.  Twice right away so I rocked her for quite a bit and then she fell asleep. Then she woke up about 2:30 and I rocked with her until about 3:15.  I still did not get the best sleep last night so I am hoping for better tonight.  Olivia woke about 7:30ish.  Brendon and I decided that we would go out for breakfast to Chic-fil-a since we never have time to go. I got to see Olivia feed Jake this morning.  She did a great job! She brought his bowl right to him.  She also says, "Good morning" to him! Olivia ate just a little bit at home and ate a little bit while we were out for breakfast.  We also went to Wal-Mart and I have to say it was quite peaceful in there...the holiday madness hasn't started there yet.

When we got home we had coffee and Olivia and I both napped.  Then we got ready and had lunch.  Then Olivia and I went to Gymboree and Brendon went to work.  Before he left Olivia said, "Bye Daddy! Love you!!" It was so sweet.  Olivia and I did a craft at Gymboree today before class.  Then we saw lots of our friends at class.  Then we came home and did the usual.  The cough sounds better and we have to do 3 treatments a day until it is gone.  She didn't cough too much today at all.  I hope it goes away soon though!

Bringing Jake his food


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