Saturday, October 20, 2012

Loganville Autumn Heritage Festival

Brendon woke up super early for the opening day of shotgun for deer.  I think he was super excited about it because he had a pretty restless sleep which made me not sleep well either.  Olivia slept until about 8:00 which was great for me! Then we had breakfast and played. Brendon came in after 10:00 and saw lots of deer but not on our property.  He even saw two small bucks fighting in the field behind us.

Then we got ready to go to the Loganville Autumn Heritage Festival.  We usually go every year and have lunch and buy some goodies.  We were sadly disappointed by the festival this year.  There were lots of vendors doing advertisements and not much crafty stuff to buy.  There were not a lot of food vendors besides chain restaurants...if we want Papa John's pizza or Chic-fil-a we could visit their restaurants.  We didn't buy anything...goodies or food.  So we decided to leave and went and had lunch at Chili's.  Olivia ate really well while we were and had probably the best restaurant behavior we have had in a long time.  She even colored!

After lunch we came home and I left to go to Athens to pick up my race number for tomorrow.  I am running the Athens 1/2 marathon tomorrow.  I am hoping to redeem myself from the last disaster.  The best part of the race is the finish.  We finish at Sanford Stadium =)  Kim, Dean, and I strolled around Athens which was nice.  It is such a great city and I love their downtown area. 

Then I came home and we had dinner.  We stopped over the neighbors' house quick to wish Rick a Happy Birthday! Then we watched the beginning of the Georgia game! Go Dawgs!!

Eating lunch at Chilis


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