Sunday, October 14, 2012

Henry update and Done with Christmas Shopping for Olivia

Here is the latest update on Henry posted by his mom yesterday.  I have to say she posted some of the sweetest pictures of him and his sister Miri!

"Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation." (Psalm 95:1 NIV)

We write this update with joy. We're thankful today for the tremendous motor/mobility improvements Henry is making in Rehab therapy.
Today he WALKED all over with little assistance - a tremendous feat after 4 surgeries and 3 weeks in a hospital bed! He even rode a tricycle (nearly plowing me down!) all around the rehab floor. His mood is good and we're enjoying just "being four."

Yesterday Henry & Miri were reunited in a moment too precious for words. I can only say we cherish deeply the tenderness between them.

When the anger/fear/sadness begin to creep in we often turn toward your positive comments/notes/cards. It is very humbling to receive the gifts and attention, it's hard to accept the generosity of others, but we are deeply thankful. Your support has allowed us to more easily focus on the care of our little ones - a truly priceless gift.

Anyway, we just wanted to update with some of the positive progress we see and to thank you again for the outrageous love and support.
We had a kind of a lazy day today.  We were tired from yesterday.  I went to the very large consignment sale this morning and I can happily say that I am done shopping for Olivia for Christmas.  I did get some pretty good deals.  I bought a little bit of clothes but not much since it was fall/winter clothes and  her closet is stuffed with that stuff.  I found some stuff that may be good for spring or else fall next year.  The best deal I got was a rocking horse.  I have been looking at a few online and at friends' houses.  I got a Fisher Price Rock and Go pony for $10.00! It looks brand new.  Olivia even got to test it out and loved it.  After that came home and had lunch and started the long process of unpinning and untaping all the stuff from the sale.  By the time I was finished it was time for Olivia's nap! While she napped, I quickly read the paper and then went for a run. Got home it was dinner time and then Brendon went hunting.  It was a busy and not so busy day!


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