Thursdays are such a blah day, especially today- I felt like the Berenstein Bears book- Too Much Birthday. Waking up super early doesn't help either. Olivia went to daycare today and is usually super tired when she leaves. We made a quick stop at Publix for the milkaholic that went through a whole gallon of milk in less than a week. She slept most of the afternoon away and I had lots to do while she slept. She wasn't too interested in dinner- so she ate some Cheerios along with what she didn't eat and she seemed quite content with that. After dinner we played outside a bit and she constantly wants to go up the driveway and our driveway is sooooo steep! She has legs of steel or as Kristy said tonight- legs like a man! Kristy and Karyn came over to visit and Olivia freaked out after she touched a flower but she smiled when she saw Kristy and Karyn- it was weird!
That's about it for today...I didn't even get a picture!
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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