I tried yesterday to sell our Sesame Street Live tickets seeing that I would not be able to go. I had great hopes that I would be feeling better. Well after still not feeling better yesterday I tried to sell them. Then I asked Brendon out of curiosity if he would take Olivia on his own. He said he would. I think he is more confident with driving to Atlanta and doing the parking etc. So they left today after lunch and I cried because I couldn't go and I was a bit nervous. But they did great and had a great time! I am so happy they went. When they got home Olivia told me all about it. She told me that Elmo took Abby's wand and they did lots of singing and dancing. Not many smiles in the pictures but she did have fun!

Earlier on Facebook I posted a message to all my friends about what was going on. I didn't want to write some long drawn out status about what was going on....if people want to know they will either ask or keep reading the blog. I felt ok today. Still not 100% but tried to rest while Olivia and Brendon were gone today. But just know that we are fine (or as fine as we can be) and your words of encouragement and prayers are well appreciated. I had to let it out...and sometimes letting it out makes things a tiny bit better.
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