Usually Brendon dove hunts the first Saturday of September but this year he did not get selected for the quota hunt he usually does. So his friend and him made dove hunting plans for today. I had grand plans of taking Olivia to church or something out of the house. Well this stinker kept saying she had to go. That means she needs to go #2. After SEVERAL false attempts....she finally went at 1:40...but she went on the potty so that is all that counts. Don't worry we did laundry and cleaned up a little bit in the meantime of sitting on the potty.
Olivia and I did see something cool around dinner time. Talk about the Very Hungry Caterpillar coming to life. In the paper on Saturday they mentioned the Hickory Horned Caterpillar and the Saddleback Caterpillar can be seen. Well we saw one of them...not sure which on the back door. We were watching it and I guess it got to close to a spider's eggs. This little spider probably the size of the dime wrapped that caterpillar in its silk. The caterpillar put up a good fight though. It was really neat to watch!
Brendon left about 10:30 and got home about 7. He got one bird! He showed Olivia and of course Jake and they were both excited.
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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