Olivia had a fun morning at Susan's house today. The best was when we were leaving she looked right at Susan and said, "Bye bye, Susie!" I think we were both shocked she said it to her. I am so happy to see that she recognizes when we leave to say good bye.
Tonight she did a few more...she loves the phone. She picked up the phone and said, "Call Mima!" I explained to her that Mima was not home tonight because Pipa plays volleyball. Later on she picked up the phone again and said, "Call Mima!" I said Mima was not home. She then replied, "Mima shopping?" I said no. Then she said, "Mima volleyball with Pipa!" What a good memory!
After her bath she told me to clap. So I clapped and she said Gymbo. So I did the pound, pound, clap we do during class. She filled in the blanks when I stopped singing. Then she said two friends' names that are in our class- Ethan and Griffin. She also told me that at Gymboree we jump, slide, and go under the parachute.
Olivia also told me that she wanted to go to Target tonight. I told her we could not go to Target because we had to go to bed. I am not sure if this deterred her at all...I have already been up there once.
I am so happy that she is starting to make those connections of names and places though!
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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