Olivia is becoming one funny girl! Tonight I was trying to get her picture with her vacuum and finally she said, "Cheese!" and gave a ridiculous smile. She also made me laugh when she picked up the calculator and held it to her ear and said, "Hello?" She is becoming quite the parrot and copying things we say...we now need to be VERY careful of our words or else they will be repeated.
Cheese! | | | |
Vacuuming |
Brendon and Olivia went to Gymboree this morning and had fun. Last night I gave Olivia a little quiz of all her friends' names. She did very well and said all of them. She even said one that we see every once in awhile.
Olivia is starting to use size words...big mostly. I tried to show her big and little today but she focused more on the big. She will now say, "Big bite!"
Olivia is also a pencil and paper fanatic. Give her some paper and pencil and watch her go. We have gone through several pads of paper. She now will say- pencil, paper, more paper, draw, draw Mickey, draw Minnie, color, circles, and lines while she is "drawing."
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