Sunday, December 9, 2012

I tooted

Yes...I tooted...Yes I said it out loud for mommy and daddy to hear me.  Yes I said the words, "I tooted." I did not say Olivia tooted...I referred to myself as I.  This was the first time and mommy was so proud!

I woke up extra early today for mommy and daddy with a runny nose.  I told mommy I had a booger when she came in my room.  She tried to get me to go back to sleep but I was ready to be up.  We then went into mommy and daddy's bed and I watched some Sesame Street.  Then we just decided to get up and have breakfast.  Since I got up so early I took a morning nap.

After lunch we got ready and we went to a party.  I was a good girl except I colored on the peoples' window with a yellow crayon.  I was so proud of my circles though.  Mommy said she was embarrassed that I would do that.  Overall I was a good girl at the party.  I played with some cats.  I never saw a real cat before today and got to pet it and touch its tail. 

Then we came home and had dinner and played.  I did not want to go to bed again.  Mommy isn't understanding why I don't want to lay down.  Now that I have a runny nose again she thinks that is why.  She also thinks I may be getting another tooth or so she hopes. 



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