Well we were up all night! Olivia woke up around 11 pm and was up until about 5:45 a.m. I was up with her from 11 until 1 something. I tried to lay down and Brendon take a turn but I could still hear her crying. I jumped out of bed when she started crying really hard about 4. She was pretty sweaty even though we took her temperature a million times last night but no fever. I ended up throwing her in the bathtub for a few minutes to cool her off which seemed to work. I gave her some water and asked her if she was hungry and she said, "Muffins!" So she ate 4 mini-muffins at about 4:45. She ended up falling asleep in her glider with me but then I got her in the crib about 5:45. I on the other hand tried to sleep but then made sub plans. I made the decision some where in the 4 o'clock hour that I was going to the doctor with her. So then it was get up and shower time.
Olivia ate a little at breakfast. She had some Cheerios and milk. Then we went to the doctor. We were originally supposed to see the nurse practitioner but when the doctor saw us she told the nurse that she wanted to see Olivia. Olivia was really good for Dr. Morgan when she examined her. The doctor said there was a little bit of fluid in her right ear. She looked in her mouth and noticed all the teeth coming in and said most of this was probably caused by the teeth because everything else looked good. She even said her lungs sound good so no inhalers!!!!!!! The doctor basically said to give Olivia ibprofen before bed. Randomly she has been getting hives also. At one point we thought she was allergic to Jake. Well it happened while we were with the doctor and the doctor said she probably has contact dermatitis. Just a reaction to things that touch her...could be soaps, etc. The doctor noticed that where she got the red bumps was where she had her 2 fingers on her cheek. So just something for us to watch.
It is never a dull moment I tell you around here. Now to get some sleep..........I am wishing and praying on that BIG TIME tonight!
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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