Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fussy Fun Day

I had a brilliant idea... that means everything will go wrong.  My plan was go to 8:00 a.m. church, do breakfast with Santa at church, go to Bass Pro Shops and see Santa and shop etc.etc.

Here is how it really went;

Up at 6:00 a.m. with crying Olivia.
Fussy girl didn't want to eat and took forever to eat something, get dressed...all that good stuff in getting a toddler ready.
Got to church late...Olivia talked the whole time we were there.  Which is fine but some people don't appreciate it...hey we went to church right?
Went to Breakfast with Santa at go of sitting on his lap.  She didn't want to eat there either.

Breakfast with Santa at church...lovely...Olivia picking her nose!

Leave church and stop for gas...have screw in tire...add air.
Make it to Bass Pro Shops- the line for Santa was like the line for Santa in A Christmas Story. So we opted not to see Santa and went on the carousel and colored.  Tried to get Olivia in shopping cart...that worked for like 2 minutes.  Then she wanted to push the cart...she pushed the cart almost the entire time we were there.  She did love the fish tank.

Pushing the cart around

Fish tank!

Leave Bass Pro and want to go to calendar store...find store on the map and walk there.  Guess what?  It was closed.
Get in car...crying Olivia.  Jump in the backseat and keep Olivia entertained as Brendon drove and encountered bad drivers.
Get home and eat lunch...fussy Olivia.  Finally got her down for a nap.
Brendon takes truck to get tire fixed...$135 later we have a new tire.  Merry Christmas to me.
Olivia wake up from nap at 4:00 was a bit better. I ran out for a bit for some sanity.
Eat dinner...tricked Olivia and told her it was soup.
Make Cookies.... BEST PART OF THE DAY! Olivia did such a great job! Even though there was flour everywhere I really didn't care because she was having fun.

Making cookies....flour everywhere!

And that is how today went...expectations...totally thrown out the window.


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