Friday, December 21, 2012

21 Months Old

Well the world didn't end today.  But Olivia turned 21 months on 12/21/12.  Weird...what a play on numbers.

Here are some things that happened this month:

* Likes to say letters- A LOT
* Likes to count- A LOT- she can rote count up to 13.  13 seems to be her new favorite number.
* Realizes she has friends- Ethan, Griffin, Raegan, Karson, Violet, Lyssa, Nikki
* LOVES Christmas lights
* Asks questions- What happened? Where is Lamby? Where are you?
* Loves to shop...2 favorite stores Kroger and Target
* Helped make cookies
* We didn't sleep much this month
* Refusing to get in high chair, car seat, and sometimes the stroller
* Loves the show Super Why...I think she loves the letters
* Almost jumping...she caught some pretty good air today
* LOVES to draw, color, stamp on paper (and a few other things too)
* Makes mommy draw Mickey and Minnie Mouse hundreds of times a day.  I think soon I will work for Disney as a cartoon artist!
* Tells us that she has, "Pooped again!"
* We have been skunked on the potty seat for weeks.  I think it is cold and she doesn't want to sit on it.  No rush though.  There was a great article in the paper about potty training.  That said not to worry about potty training until they are 2 1/2 anyways.
* We say lots of phrases, "Mommy big bite apple." "Do it again mommy" "Daddy take a shower"
* Refers to herself as Livia or I.
* Finally getting teeth in. Yay and boo at the same time.

That's about all I can think of at the moment!

Tonight Olivia and I did a special project...a Gingerbread House! She calls the cookies Ginger boys.  She actually did really well putting the things on the house.  She also loved licking the icing and wiping it everywhere. 

Finished product!


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