Sunday, November 18, 2012

ANOTHER tooth !!!

Olivia woke up right on need for an alarm for us.  We got up ate breakfast and then went to church. Olivia did really well again.  She ate her snack, sat on the pew, and talked just a little.  Thankfully we sit around the same people so they think her random outbursts of saying man, baseball, or whatever else she says is cute to them.

After church we got a picture of her in her turkey dress and then read the newspaper.  We then ate lunch and she ate A LOT.  Then she napped for a pretty long time.  She still has a little bit of a cough but I noticed another tooth yesterday.  The left tooth to the bottom one is now coming in.  Her teeth are like popcorn....pop, pop, pop they are all coming in...finally!!

We watched a bit of football and then ate dinner.  She even ate some ribs.  No worries it was off the bone and in little pieces.  She also ate a 1/2 of a biscuit and most of her other food.

But it was just a regular old day... =)

Turkey dress!


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