Friday, September 7, 2012


Olivia had a busy day today.  Daddy took her grocery shopping this morning.  After shopping she came home and napped.  Then I came home...we ate lunch together and the zoom we were off.  Olivia and I went to see Tammy at Lasting Moments by Tammy for some 18 month pictures.  It is very hard to get a toddler to smile! But I am sure she got some great pictures.  I can't wait to see them.  Too bad Olivia stunk up Tammy's house with not one but two poops while we were there!! Gee thanks about embarrassing to me!!

After pictures we zoomed over to Target to get some baby stuff that was on sale! Then we came home and unloaded all the stuff from the car and since it was sooooo hot we played in the sand and water table.  I was almost tempted to blow up the little pool and let her splash but that is hard with her trying to get that all together.  Our pool is still open but it is way to chilly for me to go has to be 84+ degrees for me to get in!  We ate dinner, folded laundry, and played outside a bit.  We visited the neighbors and today she said Shawn.  She loved playing with Kristy and their dog Max.  She was calling for Max and clapping her hands like she does for Jake.

Tonight in her bath she actually played with something different.  There is a scoop from a sand pail in there.  I showed her how to scoop the water.  Then she grabbed a cup and I would scoop the water in there and she would dump it out.  I think she liked the noise of it.  She giggled and giggled at it.  It was nice of her to play with something different in the tub!

Just one picture for today since she had some other ones done today!

Loves to sit at the computer...she can now pull the top drawer open and peek inside!! Not sure where I am going to put all the danger stuff that was in the lower drawers now!


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