Wednesday, August 15, 2012

No Picture Day!

Sorry no pictures today! Brendon has been taking some during the day and I totally forgot tonight.  Olivia was a little fussy this morning with Brendon.  Just not the happiest camper.

When I got home she was waking up from a nap since we go to Gymboree in the afternoon.  She wasn't a big fan of lunch but ate a snack before we left.  She did fine at Gymboree and had a good time. Olivia just loves going there.  I got her to climb through the tunnel today! She often times will not do it. 

Then we came home and played in the sandbox for a few minutes.  I attempted dinner which she wasn't a fan of either.  We played outside and saw Kristy who brought us some avocados.  So Olivia will be having some of that tomorrow...well I hope! When Kristy was leaving Olivia started following her and fell on the driveway! We were boo boo free - at least skinned knee free- for about a week! Her poor knees!! It isn't too bad and she didn't cry!  Kristy and I were both proud of that! But I put some boo boo cream on and made it all better!

I promise pictures for tomorrow =)


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