I can't even express how tired I am right now. Getting up at 5:00 a.m. today doesn't help either. Olivia was tired today too. she spent some time at Susan's house. She did a great job and the best was when we were leaving she said, "Bye, bye Susie!" It was so cute!! Susan and I both loved it!
Olivia took a REALLY long nap this afternoon but I got TONS of school stuff done! While Olivia was napping I discovered a TON of toys underneath the one couch. I guess that is her hiding spot. So when she woke up I got the broom out to get the toys out. Well she just went to town with the broom. She actually cried when I put it away in the closet. I guess we have a new toy- the broom! Maybe she will watch us more when she sweeps and we can teach her to sweep. She was trying to sweep stuff up into the dust pan- I guess she has seen that a bit too much! Never too early to start some chores! Then we ate dinner and did our usual nightly walk and played outside.
After her nap today having some water! |
I have no clue what she was doing! |
Broom! |
Using the dustpan! |
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