Olivia had a super fun morning with daddy when he went to the doctor. Brendon said she did really well at the doctor's office and only had to tell her no twice while they were there- she was touching a lamp and the exam table.
When I got home from work we played for a bit. Olivia took a very short nap. So we went to buy diapers at Target. She did great at Target. She loves to look around and talk while we are there. She ate a really great dinner and I swear either her clothes are getting tight or else she just looked really big today. She is growing up way to fast.
Her new catch phrase is, "I don't know." She even does the hand motions to go with it. Also every time the phone rings- house phone or cell phone she says, "Uh oh!" I guess I must say it when the phone rings and now she just copies me! But she is picking up words like I can't believe.
Good morning kiss to Jake |
Giving the car a little tune up |
I like to sit on top of it now |
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