Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Another busy day

It doesn't help that I got sucked into the women's gymnastics last night and that made me even more tired than I probably was....but it was another busy day.  It was busy from the get go.  Got the hall display done, some things hung up on the wall, figured out the new technology at school, got the room ready to meet the new students, and lesson plans! Well I got the first day figured out...I think...

After work, I zoomed home and played with Olivia for about an hour.  Then Brendon left for work and while Olivia napped I continued working.  I have figured out that I can do things at a rather quick pace.  Give me 10 minutes and I can get more done.... I can glue as fast as lightning and I think I emptied the dishwasher tonight at a world record pace.  I got some things done while Olivia napped but not as much as I wanted. 

After her nap we ran to Publix to get some milk and since it was Michelle's birthday we stopped over her house.  I knew I was stopping there but then she asked if we wanted dinner...dinner...yes please! I know it was her birthday but it was a treat for both of us...for her- company on her birthday for me- a little stress relief.  I don't get any work done while Olivia is awake...I tried before... that was an epic fail.  Maybe when she is older and can help me do stuff that will be great! So I got her a small red velvet cake, a sunflower plant, a balloon, and a card! It was a great dinner and the girls played really nice together!

Alright time to get busy....

Olivia getting all of her toys out from the plastic tub....


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