Today we tried story time. Once a month the book store Books For Less has a musical story time. We met Michelle and Nikki, and Michelle and Ethan there. Olivia was still fussy this morning and I wasn't even sure if we were going to make it. She took a little car nap on the way there. The story time was fun. It was very similar to a Kindermusik session that we attend on Thursdays so it was nice to know some of the songs. There was a story with instruments, songs, and dancing with it. Olivia had a good time. She also knows her friend Nikki's name and says it. How cute is that? We are also working on Olivia saying her own name. I know it is a difficult name but I am breaking it down into chunks and she repeats it then I say her whole name and she is REALLY trying to say it. I will have to catch it on video some day- it is sooo cute!
Olivia was not much of an eater today though. I guess she just didn't like what was on the menu today. She did eat a graham cracker before bed with her milk. She did eat today but just not the greatest. I am sure she will eat it up tomorrow.
After story time we came home and played and napped. Right now I am waiting for a thunderstorm to roll through.... on the weather map it says it is raining here....but I haven't see anything yet. Some thunder that is it.
Musical Story Time |
Olivia and Nikki |
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