Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Success! 2 Days in a row =)

Ahhh... the taste of success... at least for dinner! Another successful night with dinner.  Tonight she had avocado- she tried it last week at Nikki's house- and she had some pizza and carrot cookie.  She also drank all her milk at dinner.  I am hoping this will stick! Now we need to eat dinner earlier.

We had lots of steps today! I think we are getting closer and closer.  I am going to try to get some video tomorrow.  She is doing well going from one thing to another.  In her room I keep backing the ottoman away from her glider further and further.  Tonight I got 5 steps.  Also a little bit of bribery doesn't hurt.  This afternoon it was Goldfish.  I was at the ottoman and she would go to the chair and would go back and forth.  Also stuffed animals worked well too! She even left the ottoman one time and walked towards her farm.  She took about 4-5 steps to get there all by herself! I guess my impatience is starting to get rewarded with some steps.  Each step we celebrate and cheer!

We also played with blocks today.  I made some towers and she just liked to knock them down.  So I guess you could say I played with the blocks but she did help clean them up!

I double posted today, if you didn't notice, there is a post after/before this (however you like to call it) that I posted this afternoon.

I tried to get a picture of her letting go and walking but I missed.



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