Today I took Olivia to my old school to see friends. It was so great to see everyone. Every time I stop in there it feels like I never left. I saw some of my old students and they are so big! I can't believe that I haven't been teaching there for 2 years. I miss my friends from there. Olivia was great there. For all the people that stopped and said hi to her she never fussed. She fussed a little at the end but that was because she was tired. I have to admit, LOTS of people are saying that she looks like me. Comparing her picture to mine now she is starting to look just a tad like me!
Olivia had lots of fun playing today and she was chatting up a storm. She ate really well today, she had more formula today then she has had in the past few days. Except tonight she usually takes a big bottle (6 oz) and she only drank half of it and started fussing. So I am expecting a wake up call. She woke up last night at 4:15ish and I could hear her sucking on her fingers and she ended up eating. Not sure if she is teething still, that may be the cause of the decrease in eating and she is tugging on her ears a little bit and drooling a TON! We will see if something pops out soon...
Fun!! |
1/2 rolling |
Getting in position... |
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