Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's official....we are teething

Grandpa sent us a funny comic today!

Well today was another day of frustration for us because Olivia just didn't want to eat again.  She was at our sitter in the morning and didn't take a bottle but ate her cereal and squash.  I tried to feed her when I got home and that was a no go.  I finally got her to eat 6 oz of formula about 12:50 p.m. So I called the doctor and we went in.  Of course Olivia got hungry there so I started to feed her and then the doctor walked in so I had to stop.  But the doctor checked her ears and everything looked ok.  She got weighed and weighs 16 pounds! We were so happy about that! Her 6 month appointment is next week! So hopefully she will weigh more next week!  So now we are just on tooth watch.  The doctor showed me where they were coming in- on the bottom... and should be there some time...when?!? She doesn't know...could be a week, could be 2 weeks, could be more.  So now bring on the fussiness, teething toys, and finger chewing and Tylenol... we are ready. 

After the doctor...not a happy camper!

I like to play with my piano!


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