Thursday, April 24, 2014

Running Behind Today and New Tooth

All day long I have felt like I have been running behind! I felt rushed at work, I quick squeezed a run in, but always felt so rushed today.  I was working on some stuff this afternoon and almost forgot about dinner.  So Olivia and I rushed to make a good dinner...which she ate like 1/2 of. 

Also her left lower 2nd year molar has popped through.  It was almost 2 months exactly since the right side popped through.  That could explain some of the not wanting to eat and being a little crabby this week.  I asked her if it felt sore and she said yes.  Then I asked her to tell me what it feels like (I was totally going for an answer of it hurts like a boo boo or something like that) and her response feels like tooth! Priceless answer =) She looked me with that duh mom look!


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