Monday, April 21, 2014

First Cry at Gymnastics

Olivia had her first cry ever at gymnastics.  She was really excited to go.  she did her stretches and worked on her floor exercises.  Then it was time for the bars...which usually she loves because she likes to be like a monkey.  She wasn't really paying attention to her teacher and missed what she did on the big high bars which was a complete somersault all the way around the bar.  So we did the first few bars and got to the big one....well she didn't really know what to do so I told her that we were going to hang on to the bars and go all the way around.  The teacher and I tried to get her in the correct position and then we turned her over...which she wasn't all the way in the right position but the best we could...she freaked out.  She started crying and her poor legs were shaking.  Thank goodness all of the other kids really didn't like it either but they didn't cry as much as Olivia.  It took a good 10 minutes to get her calmed down.  I felt bad.  I almost was going to take her home but I thought it would be one of those mommy teachable moments....stick with it kid kind of thing and that you can't quit because something scares you.  So we stayed.  A Cinderella sticker made it all better.  The teacher explained to me the earlier they get used to it the better.  I felt bad that she cried but then she was fine and played in the pit thing.  So hopefully she won't be afraid to go back next week!


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