Today I am so thankful for all the people who have gone on this journey with us. Even though it is a hard and difficult journey, it is filled with people that have helped. Today I said thank you to some people and it was so great to see their happiness. It is not often we take time out in our own lives to simply say thank you to those who are helpful. I said thank you to the nurses at the doctors office and of course my doctor. I took some time to make them all a special treat and write them a note thanking them for all they have done these past few weeks. I know I am probably not the easiest patient to deal with, but they have done an incredible job for us. They were so happy and surprised! I even gave the phlebotomist some snazzy band-aids and some lollypops for those patients that need an extra boost! She was so excited about her band aids! It felt great to say thank you and to see them all so happy! As a society we often forget to say thank you to people and truly mean it and take those words for granted. Maybe if we all took a little time and thought about others, and less about ourselves we would all be more happy. I know I was happy when I left the doctor's office and so were they!
Obviously I had more blood drawn today and hope to have my results tomorrow. Also was able to get an ultrasound squeezed in and it looked like everything was normal! YAY! Olivia was so great while we were there at the doctor's office.
I leave you with this question below and ask you...and is there someone that you could say thank you to?
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