Well last night Olivia did great! She woke up dry and didn't have any accidents. When she woke up today I scooped her up and put her right on the potty and she went! I was so happy! I thought we got it at this point. Well she watched Dinosaur Train in the bed with us and then I brought her downstairs. I kept prompting her to tell me when she had to go and I was trying to make her something to eat and then she had an accident. We changed underwear and started all over. Maybe we don't have it after all...
I really want Olivia to feel comfortable with both of us taking her to the restroom so we went against the training guide today...I left to grocery shop. Well when I was gone she had 3 more accidents. The guide says you need to be next to her the whole time and Brendon decided to wash some dishes and Olivia was under the kitchen table and got stuck....and there ya go. Next to you means right next to you.
She did great during her nap...no accidents and woke up dry. But then we went back to the crying on the potty when she had to go. She never did poop today...so hopefully she will go tomorrow. But the rest of the night it consisted of running back and forth to the bathroom. There was one minor damp situation but no accidents. She went before her bath and several times before bed! It will be interesting to see what will happen tonight.
I am paranoid since we have to leave the house tomorrow for a birthday party...I admit I am already freaking out about it. I hope it isn't too much of a disaster....
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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