The potty fairy came and visited us today. she dropped off a box and it had new underwear, books, and big girl wipes. Olivia threw away all her diapers and then we put on underwear. We prompted her to tell us when she had to go potty. Well this girl can hold it! She held it almost 3 hours. Then it was a disaster. Lots of underwear were yucky...just pee in them. We did have some success on the potty though! We had some pees and one big poop! There was some crying off and on and I know she is tired of me saying, "Tell mommy when you need to go potty." "Keep your underwear dry" etc. etc. etc. At one point I wanted to quit because I felt like I was a horrible mom and making her do this. I am hoping tomorrow is better. I even cried myself at one point but Brendon told me I was doing a good job and to stay strong.
In other news Lamby had a successful surgery this morning and is all repaired. She had quite the recovery nap even with a balloon!
Checking her vitals before surgery |
The recovery.... |
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