Today we had a nice taste of spring. I ran a 5K this morning with a work was a bit chilly at the beginning but by the end I rolled up my sleeves and wished I had worn different pants!
When I got home from running, Brendon went for a bike ride. Olivia and I had lunch and went to Target and Publix. She was a really good shopper but I was a bad mom and had to open a snack for her before we bought it.
Then we came home and she napped. While she napped Brendon and I finished painting the back of the house. It felt good to get that done. It was just item on our spring to do list among other things. After her nap and snack we went for a walk in the woods. She remembered lots of things when her and Brendon went for a walk a few days ago. She remembered to stay on the path and walk in the middle. She even remembered the moss on the path. She had to have a stick and when we got to the bridge, she waited for help and then sat down on the bridge. Then we had dinner and she helped me make some brownies. Then the usual night routine and bed!
Snack time! |
Walking in the woods |
Sitting on the big rocks |
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