It was a crazy day today needless to say. I was supposed to go for a nice 8 mile trail run with Malissa this morning BUT Olivia woke up about 6:30 and was coughing and coughing and coughing. So I tried going in her room and rocking her to see if that would help with the coughing. Well then she just wanted to be up. Finally after about 20 minutes I brought her in our bed. By that point I made the decision not to run and call the pediatrician instead. Finally when it was time to call their phone was not working!! I called their other location and they said to just bring Olivia in and be patient and wait. So we got dressed and got out the door. Thankfully we didn't have to wait too long...about 5 minutes. The nurse practitioner examined her and I thought she would give us something for the cough and congestion...well she looked at Olivia's ears and the right ear was dull and had some fluid and she said the left her definitely had an ear infection to the point that it was bloody! YIKES! I felt like the worst mom ever! I didn't even know my own child had a REALLY BAD ear infection. She never complained or pulled on it or even said ear hurt. We got our prescriptions and went to Publix to get them filled. We walked around the store a bit and Olivia pointed out all sorts of foods.
We came home and had lunch and she ate pretty decent...her favorite Chicken Noodle soup, yogurt, and some apples. Then her and Brendon did the backyard bird count. He put her down for a nap and I went for my run. When I got home, he said that she was coughing a lot and had not fallen asleep. So I showered and tried to get her to nap with me sitting in her glider. That didn't work...again. So I took off her sleep sack and that's when I noticed the hives... ALL OVER. Legs, feet, arms, face, belly, bum...everywhere. I tried to call the still not working so...I just put her back into the car and went back. I really didn't know what else to do. So we went back and wow they acted the doctor and literally we took off her pants in the hallway. They gave her some Benadryl and a new prescription for basically a Z-Pack but for children. So I guess we are allergic to Penicillin! GREAT! Well at least we know now... we thought that she was having contact hives a few months ago and she was taking some meds then too. But just after the one dose of it today...hives. So back to Publix we went and the pharmacists there are so awesome. She got our prescription ready super fast and we were out of there.
Such a crazy day though. I hope Olivia feels better tomorrow! She was still playing and acting normal though today.
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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