I really don't know how 23 months have flown by. We are going to the be the parents of a 2 year old! That is crazy to me. We are so blessed to have such a sweet and happy little girl. Her giggles melt your heart and the craziest things come out of her mouth.
Her are some things she is doing at 23 months old:
* Pretty much going up and down the stairs unassisted. She will ask to hold our hands sometimes to go down.
* Finally likes to walk and hold my hand.
* Speaking in more phrases- I hear it, I hear airplane, I see the school bus, Don't want it, Talk to Pepa, Where is Pepa? Mommy go to work, Daddy go to work...
* Loves her friends... she loves to talk about Griffin- she says he is playing basketball, she also loves Ethan. She saw her friend Raegan last week and it was cute to watch them play together.
* Becoming a better eater... some days. Hands down she loves veggies, she loves toast for breakfast, loves Chicken Noodle Soup.
* Super Helper- likes to sweep, vacuum, dust, put stuff away, cleans up her toys when asked
* Loves to color!
* Getting better at going to bed and sitting in her big girl chair for meals.
* Has an opinion about clothes...what she would like to wear and NOT wear!
* Pretend play- calls her friends, plays with her animals, plays with her Little People
* Knows her ABCs and some of her numbers, she can rote count them and identify some of them
* Using adjectives- big truck, big blue truck, big bite, little bite, heavy, it is cold, it is hot, knows her colors
* Still loves books- her favorites right now are Baby Bear, Baby Bear what do you see?, Dogs, Dogs, Dogs, ABC Dr. Seuss book and still loves Charlie Brown!
* We are working on jumping and hopping...this girl needs to get some air under her feet!! She is trying though!
So mad that this came out blurry! The only way to get her not to move....wrap her up like a mummy after her bath!!
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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