Tuesday, February 19, 2013

100 Weeks Old

I received my weekly email from Mom365 yesterday with the title 100 weeks old.  How crazy is that??? Olivia is 100 weeks old... that means in 4 weeks it is her birthday! Crazy!!

Olivia is doing a bit better.  This afternoon not much of a nap she was coughing quite a bit and having a grand old time talking.  Finally she cried and I went to get her.  She had her foot stuck at the top of her sleep sack.  She had a snack and then we colored.  She kept asking me to draw a seal.  To my knowledge Olivia has never seen a seal...maybe at the aquarium last year but I can't even remember.  So I texted Brendon and he told me there was a seal in her animal crackers today! Ha! Then I when I changed her diaper I noticed some hives on her legs! Ahh... I tried calling the doctor but their phone is still not working.  So then I called the insurance company nurse line...after all the questions...they told me to call her doctor (hello...I told you their phone isn't working!!!) or take her to an urgent care.  I decided to try the other office and thankfully even thought it was 5:01 someone answered.  They said the hives could last for 2 weeks.  To keep up the Benadryl until we notice they go away.  But if they get really bad seek medical attention...scary! But tonight I maybe blew her nose less than 10 times and she was really good through all the medicines.  I think doing all the medicines takes longer than taking a bath. 

After her bath she asked to watch Charlie Brown...I gave in.  She doesn't feel good and if that made her feel better so be it... so we watched a short Charlie Brown movie.  Then we had to tuck in all of her dolls.  She lines them all up and then covers them with a blanket, gives them a kiss, and tells them goodnight.  I think we are up to about 10 stuffed animals and dolls tonight...even the plastic lobster got tucked in.  But I hope she feels even better tomorrow!!

The shirt says it all!


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