It rained again today. This makes 4 days straight. It is depressing and I need some vitamin D from the sun. Tonight there is even a possibility of some snow...great! Yes a teacher does love a good snow day but sometimes I would rather just go and have the days later off that we are supposed to get off. I am not getting my hopes up at all for a snow day. I think I am more worried about the ice than anything. Our driveway is steep so getting up it is a challenge.
Olivia and I had a pretty good day. Long but good. She went to Susan's house today and was great. After I picked her up I needed to get some things at Kroger. Well it was like Forrest Gump rain on the way there. Rain was coming in all directions. I went to the Kroger close to Susan's house which is like 5 minutes from her house and I thought Olivia was awake because she kept asking for animal crackers. Well I pull in the parking spot and she is zonked out! So what does every good mom do...keep driving! I decided to not wake her up and drive home and go to the Kroger close to home. So Olivia had a pretty good nap- about 30 minutes. By the time we got groceries and gas and got home it was about 1:45. By the time we got everything unpacked and put away it was 2:00. At that point she wanted to watch Super Why which was on. So I thought I may put her down after that...well she didn't seem sleepy so I just kept her up. I really didn't feel like dealing with all the crying. So needless to say she was pretty tired when she went to bed tonight!
Getting ready to leave this morning! So cute in her raincoat! |
I bought a Little People Village, 2 Fisher Price doll houses, and a Fisher Price airport off of a friend! Guess who LOVES it! I admit I do too!! |
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