Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hurry Up!

Whenever we are in a hurry, we take forever! Everything takes longer with a toddler in tow.  We had a couple of stops to make before Gymboree today so we needed to hurry up and leave.  Of course it took Olivia forever to eat lunch...but she did eat! I can't complain about that.  So we went to Publix and got a few things and she was great.  She loves shopping! Lots of people always complement us on her hair.  I think one old lady kind of scared Olivia a bit today because she leaned way far away from the lady as she gave her a compliment about her curls.  Then we were off to Target.  Got a few more things...and this girl loves some Target too.  Then we made it to Gymboree just in time! Olivia had fun with her friends today.  I am impressed with her balance skills- she can walk on this little balance beam thing with no problem! Then we came home and had diner and she just about cleared her plate! I guess she finally realized that eating can be good. 


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