It was freezing cold today! I think when i left work it was actually colder than when I got there in the morning. There was even some ice on my car. It never did sleet/rain here at the house that I saw. It was just cold. But it is supposed to be warmer tomorrow. The cold just makes me sleepy though. Olivia has been extra snuggly too! I even taught her the word snuggle and she actually snuggled under the blanket this afternoon.
Olivia and I had a great lunch together. She ate her soup- this child loves soup! Then we played a bit and then we both napped. Brendon took her grocery shopping this morning and they had fun at Kroger. We played after her nap and she actually sat in her chair for dinner! It was a miracle...I didn't have to chase her around. For not chasing her around I gave her one Oreo mint cookie...which was yummy to her.
I forgot to mention this in her 22 month update or else I can't remember...she knows her full name! She also knows the name of our street, the city we live in, and our state!
Can't wait to have a weekend with no real plans- just some odds and ends and I hope to get a runs on Saturday (short run) and Sunday (longer run)...that is my goal...I hope!
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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