Thursday, January 24, 2013


Muskick- that is what Olivia calls music! Tonight we started our spring session of Kindermusik.  Olivia was very excited all day to excited she wouldn't nap! She went through all the motions of going to nap...she had a great conversation and then all of a sudden she burst into tears.  Then at that point I didn't even bother to put her back down.  So we had a long afternoon and I of course had a long to do list.  But she was very excited to see Ms. Dana and kept talking about a boy named Jacob in the class.  She was a little quiet at class- she fell asleep on the way to class.  I think she was just tired.  But she had fun.  Daddy joined us at class because I had to leave and go to a school function.  I got home just in time to get Olivia down for bed.

Here is a funny video of her talking before she started screaming...she is talking about Goofy, Donald, Daisy and some other random things!


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