Olivia was officially 22 months old yesterday but I didn't have the time to post about that.
Olivia has definitely has become more aware of the world around here. She knows routines and what comes next. Now at nighttime before bed, she turns on her fan and the baby monitor. She even has her routine too- throw all her animals in the bed, brush her teeth, and get her Winnie the Pooh diaper on.
At church on Sunday she had her first crack at singing. When the church was singing song she was making noise- just humming but that was her first time trying to hum along to a song she didn't know-b ut she said, "I singing!"She can sing her ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle, Row your boat, Pattycake, and some other tunes.
Olivia is more verbal than ever. She is still a little parrot. She will refer to herself as I when she talks about herself. She will tell you what she wants and doesn't want.
Olivia is still a pretty good helper. She helps unload the dishwasher, helps put laundry in the dryer, helps sort clothes in the laundry basket, clean up her toys, and she will wipe her picnic table.
Olivia is doing some of her own maintenance. She will ask for a washcloth to wipe her face and hands and will do it. We are working at getting her shoes off...some are easier than others. We are practicing getting other items of clothes off- jacket, pants, shirts.
Olivia still loves to read...we must have gone through 50 books on the car ride.
Olivia has her favorite t.v. show- Super Why! She loves that show...and asks for it repeatedly. She also likes Curious George, Clifford, and Sesame Street still.
Olivia recognizes her friends- Griffin, Ethan, Karson, Leo, Nikki etc. She even asks me to call them. "Call Griffin mommy!" Yesterday she was playing with her pretend cell phone and was talking to Griffin and Ethan. It was hilarious.
Pretend play- this has become more apparent lately. She takes care of her baby- feeds it, tries to change diapers etc. The Little People town and houses we got has made this explode. She played a good 15 minutes today all by herself...just talking away to the Little People and making them do all sorts of stuff- ride in cars, take naps, etc.
Her fine motor skills have gotten better- picking up crumbs, drawing- circles, lines, says she is drawing Mickey Mouse, now is asking me to draw letters.
Olivia knows the whole alphabet- capital letters and almost all of the lowercase letters- she gets p, b, d, and q a little confused still. She knows her number 1-13. I don't know what it is about thirteen but she won't count past it.
We have gotten skunked on the potty training lately but I think she is just cold and doesn't want to sit on the potty seat. We will keep trying though. I am not going to push the issue- but she does tell us when she poops!
We are still working on the sleep issues. I am still going in with her at night...she even tells me to lay down on the ladybug pillow. Today she didn't nap so she was pretty tired by bedtime.
Eating has become an issue- at least with me. She sits all nice for Brendon in the high chair or big girl chair. Tonight and usually every night I chase her around the dinner table or wherever to get her to eat. It is super annoying and not fun!
But she is growing up soooooo fast!! Ahh... 2 more months until her birthday!
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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