Olivia had her first sleepover last night with Dymitrik. He slept in another bedroom though. Olivia is usually a good sleeper...last night she woke up shortly after going to bed and was crying. When I checked on her she was all sweaty...took her temperature and she was fine. I changed her diaper and she fell right back to sleep. I did change her into shorts though since she was hot. Then she slept in until 8:00 a.m.! Wahoo!! Dymitrik did not get the message about sleeping in. He woke up at 6:30 a.m.! He played downstairs with his mommy until we woke up. It was a chilly morning this morning. We had breakfast and then played outside for a bit. Then Dymitrik took a nap and Olivia had lunch. Olivia got to say goodbye to him while he ate lunch and the she went down for a nap. They played pretty good together. Olivia shared her toys nicely and they did do some interacting and some parallel play. Olivia was so sweet to him. It was so good to visit with friends and especially since they have a toddler too!! It was a fun weekend!
Chilling with Jeff! |
Here is the latest update on Henry from his mom Jessica:
"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for
they will be comforted." (Matthew 5:3, 4 NIV) While we feel the pull
towards despair, you all are making that difficult by surrounding us
with hundreds of encouraging posts, emails, cards, gifts, texts, and
calls. You all have truly been the hands and feet of Christ, holding us
tightly during this deeply difficult time. Today we are thankful that
Henry's procedures to ease his comfort and mobility outside of the I CU
went smoothly. We would ask your prayers for his peace while the
longevity of this journey begins to weigh upon him, as well as for
rapid healing from the latest procedures (and of course for a miraculous
complete healing!) thank you and God bless.
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