Today we went on an acorn hunt after nap time. Our daycare provider mentioned that she needed acorns for an activity and we have them in our yard. I found a bucket and off we went! Olivia did great finding acorns, saying acorn, and placing the acorns in the bucket. She was a great helper!!
Daddy surprised us today by staying home. Karyn called and mentioned that they were going to go to the Loganville Homecoming Football game. Brendon was easily convinced by this to stay home. We met our neighbors there after dinner. We knew we wouldn't make the whole game. We stayed until half time. I took her on a few walks during the game. We saw a touchdown, a field goal, saw the cheerleaders, and heard the band. It was a good time! She was pretty good during the game!!
Acorns! |
Football! |
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