Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Olivia is just messy.  We are now in the make a mess toddler phase.  I know she is just exploring but wow can she make a mess.  Sometimes it looks like a tornado has rolled through our house.  Hope you like the messy books! I am glad that she takes the time to look at them all first before making a mess.

The fussiness was not as bad today.  Brendon took her to Gymboree where she had a few minor moments of fuss.  Other than that she was fine.  She ate like a champ again today! She even cleared her plate at dinner. 

Kristy came and babysat for awhile today while I went to a meeting. Olivia was really good for her and they played outside.  Olivia even said Kristy's name when she woke up from her nap.  I just love that she is putting names and faces together.

The book mess!
Playing Peek a Boo


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