18 Months, 1.5, a year and a half...however you want to phrase it....Olivia is growing up so fast! I still can't believe she is 18 months old...craziness. We go for her 18 month appointment on Monday. I can't wait to see if she has grown. I know her weight hasn't changed too much because she just got weighed last week at the doctor...hopefully she eats good this weekend to pack on a few ounces.
At 18 months Olivia is doing the following things:
* Saying No... A LOT!!
* Climbing on everything...the couch and chairs especially. She even climbed on the toilet last night 3 times and said, "Potty!"
* Climbing stairs sometimes just holding one of our hands and walking.
* Scooting down the stairs on her bottom or holding one of our hands and taking steps.
* Lots of talking- she has started saying some phrases- just one to 2 words phrases...for example, "Go, go car!" or "Bye, bye bubbles." She also said, "Side to side" the other day and did the motions.
* Imitating us a lot- sweeping the floor, wiping the floor, raking the grass.
* Still cries in the car seat sometimes...still....
* Gets shy in certain situations.
* Loves animals- horses, cows, dogs, birds, even tries to say hummingbird.
* Discovered bugs and tries to shoo them away.
* Puts things in the trash can when asked.
* Still helps to clean up.
* Recognizing faces with names- Nikki, Kristy, Shawn, tonight she said Karyn, Max (their dog), Ms. Dana, Susie (Susan), Mima (Grandma).
* Recognizing familiar things in the car- where the goats are, horses are, the Gwinnett Braves stadium and even says, "Braves!" when we pass it.
* Still a picky eater sometimes...will eat apples, bananas, grapes (sometimes), watermelon.
* Loves her veggies!! Peas are her favorite!
* Is starting to sing a long with songs... she will fill in the blanks if I stop singing to songs she knows- Old MacDonald, ABC, Row, Row, Row your boat, Ring around the Rosie.
* Dances
* Says her name or pretty close to it- Livia.
* Recognizes pictures in books and points and says the name.
* Favorite books are still Karen Katz!
* Says she is 6 years old... I did get her to say one yesterday though.
* LOVES ELMO!! Knows most Sesame Street Characters' names.
* Tries to brush her own hair and brush her teeth. I got an Aquaduck to help her wash her hands with the step stool.
* Loves grocery shopping! Produce section is her favorite!
* Gives kisses and hugs.
* Knows almost all her body parts- working on shoulders and a few other parts.
* Trying to jump.
* She could play Peek-a-Boo for hours.
* Went on her first carousel ride and liked it!
* Her laugh is contagious and can make anyone smile.
* Cries one minute and then is fine the next....the life of a toddler!
* Got one new tooth =)
* Tears up the house like a tornado!
Here are her 18 month pictures! Thank you Tammy from Lasting Moments by Tammy who is ever so patient and captures the essence of the moment...the good, the bad, and the stinky!Tammy endured a good amount of playing Peek-a-Boo to get these smiles!!
Christmas Eve December 20
7 years ago
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