Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flag Day Picnic and Celebration

*** Warning Lots of Cute Pictures***

This morning we went to Little Mulberry Park to meet up with Susan, Olivia's wonderful daycare person for a Flag Day picnic.  It was not blazing hot and we were actually afraid it might rain, it was breezy but perfect.  The park was great!! There is a little toddler area where we played and of course Olivia climbed the big kids' slide.  We had a little picnic lunch under the pavilion.  Olivia kept pointing to all the birds and saying, "Bird." It was so cute.  After lunch we went for a walk to the lookout spot.  It is the highest point in Gwinnett County.  It was really neat up there! After our walk we headed home and Olivia fell asleep in the car.

After her nap today, we went to Nikki's house to celebrate her daddy's promotion.  It was fun to play with Nikki.  Of course the sweetest thing was that Nikki gave Olivia a hug! It was so sweet, of course no one had a camera ready.  But it was so, so sweet! Olivia went to bed a little late tonight but she was ok and wasn't fussy about it.

But what a fun day!!

Susan gave us a life preserver so Olivia we let Olivia play in it for awhile today
Up in the tree house!
Hmmm...where should I go next?
Swinging with mommy!
Up at the look out spot
Goldilocks did NOT like this seat!
Nikki and her daddy! Congrats on the promotion!
Playing in Nikki's room!


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