Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Last day of school funnies, a scary moment, and the bubble mower

Today was my last day of school with students.  It was a great year and I am so proud of all that my students accomplished.  I always have them write a letter to me about the school year and here are some of the funny and cute responses:

First question: Favorite part of the school year
Student responses:
1. Doing cool and fun experiments
2. Everything- you make every day count!
3.CRCT- because you gave me faith to take the test cause at first I didn't want to take it but I passed! (What a sweet answer!!)
4. Owl Pellets
5. Field Day
6. Last day of school- because it is over

Second Question: The part I'll miss the most
Student responses:
1. Mondays- because sometimes I get sick on Mondays
2. Having fun together
3.When you would make us laugh
4. You- because you have been so nice
5. All the fun things we did because whenever we were learning you tried to make the work as fun as possible

Third Question: 3 things to tell students coming to my class next year
Student responses:
1. Don't be crazy
2. Follow directions
3. Be respectful
4. Listen closely
5. Do your homework
6. Be nice

Last Question: What could they change
Best answers
1. Nothing
2. I would change my missing homework because I HATE going to study hall!

What a sweet bunch of kids! I will miss them!!

On to the scary moment.  I was driving Olivia to Gymboree today and I was going by the high school near us.  The road goes from a single lane to 2 lanes at the end.  I got in the inner lane to turn left at the light.  All of a sudden a person from the right lane cut right in front of me and did a u-turn (they were not even at the light either).  The person didn't even look.  Holy cow I slammed on my brakes and honked my horn.  Poor Olivia, it scared her and she got very quiet for awhile.  She was chatting away before it happened.  I am just so thankful that we are ok.  That is the closest that I have ever come to having a wreck with Olivia in the car.  I mean there were inches between my car and theirs. .There is also some nice skid marks left too (I saw those on the way home).  I called Brendon because I was really upset and scared.  If I would have hit that car I would have hit it on the person's driver side.  But geez...gave me the shakes for quite awhile

We finally fired up the bubble mower outside tonight.  At first she wasn't really into it and then I pushed it around and she thought that was hilarious.  Finally I got her to push it though! There are 3 video attempts of it!

Favorite activity- walking up the driveway
What's that?
Bubble mower inspection


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