Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jake and Swimming

Poor Jake! Friday afternoon after Brendon left for work and I was putting Olivia down for a nap, he snuck into the garbage and ate the leftovers of Brendon's ear of corn.  He ate the whole thing! I was so worried.  I called the animal hospital and they told me to watch him for any signs of distress like vomiting etc.  Well nothing happened Friday and nothing all day Saturday.  Well Saturday night he was not acting like himself.  He went to the bathroom several times and was just not doing what he usually does- sleep.  Then about 11:20ish, he went into his crate and vomited.  He is so smart to go in there so we don't have to clean the carpet.  There was some corn cob in there and I called the animal hospital again and they said to bring him in.  Brendon is such a great husband that he took Jake.  The hospital did x-rays and gave Jake some medicine and he came home.  Today he was feeling much better.  We need to watch him the next few days to make sure he is ok! Poor guy! We love him so much!
Jake's abdomen
Jake's profile.  On the far right you can see a piece of the corn cob!

Today we had some fun outside.  We set up Olivia's sand and water table, so she tried that out.  Then Nikki, her mommy and daddy came over and we went swimming and played. The pool was a bit chilly even though it was 80 degrees, Olivia got the shivers at the end! We had a fun time! Then we ate dinner.  It was great to have them over and swim!

Nikki and her daddy!
Mommy and Olivia
Sand and water table!
Michelle loved playing in the sand!


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