Holy Molars! That is what all the fuss is about- I felt them tonight brushing her teeth and they feel more swollen than yesterday. This afternoon she was pretty fussy off and on. She would be happy and then cry. But she did take a nap after awhile when I put her down. Brendon had fun with her this morning and took her outside to play a bit. The funniest thing today was Olivia brought me a diaper. We still have the Pack and Play downstairs and she walked over and brought me a diaper from the diaper holder. I put it back and then about 2 minutes later she brought it again to me. I guess she was telling me that she needed a diaper change and she did! Such a smart girl! We went back outside after dinner and did some bubbles and of course walking up the driveway.
Magnets...they stick together! |
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