Monday, May 14, 2012

Fussy and Funny

Today was a weird day.  Olivia had fussy moments and funny moments.  When I got home from work we ate lunch and then played which was mixed with some fussing off and on.  Then we ran to the bank really quick and had a snack when we got home and then she took her nap.  She was not a happy camper when she woke up.  It took her a REALLY long time to eat dinner- 45 minutes.  But she was eating...slowly.  After dinner we went outside for a bit.  She is so funny.  I tried to show her how to squirt her watering canteen and she wanted nothing to do with it even though she had been carrying it around the house for 10 minutes.  Then we did some bubbles and walked up and down the driveway a few times.  We then came in to play in her room.  She is loving Peek-a-boo! So much so that she finds a blanket and holds it up... it is hilarious.  She tried to play it with Jake but he did not like it.  Then she carried the blanket around like Pigpen for a bit and then grabbed one of my science books and started reading it! I guess it is not too early to get her interested in science.

One other picture from yesterday
Science book!
close up!
Reading the science book


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