Well I definitely earned the worst mother of the year award tonight. Olivia and I were playing outside and she took a pretty good spill in the driveway- more like a face plant. At first I thought it just scared her but when I looked closer she had a little strawberry on her nose and under her nose. When we came in I iced it. When I was giving her a bath I noticed that her lip was red and sure enough she hit her lip too! Poor thing! I was more upset with myself more than anything and I was right behind her and couldn't catch her in time!
Other than that, Olivia was a little fussy today. She woke up once last night crying. I really think it is from her teeth coming down or else there are more coming in. I took her temperature and it was 99.6 which is not a fever. Brendon took her grocery shopping and she was fine there. I took her this afternoon to run some errands and she was great. But then she didn't want to nap. I kind of found a pattern though when she is getting new teeth- she doesn't want to nap, fussy on and off, and little bouts of crying during the night. We will see what tonight brings....
Wearing her raincoat since it was raining this morning |
Birds nest in our front bushes |
Showing Olivia the birdie nest! |
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