Whoa... we had a rough night and not because of Olivia. Jake was acting a little not like himself yesterday and was kind of sulking and limping around. We thought he may have hurt himself jumping off our bed or something. Well last night about 2:10 a.m. I heard crying from downstairs. Jake has this weird screamy/whiny howl. He had been doing that since we moved his crate for the Christmas tree. But he just wouldn't stop. So I went and checked on him and he got sick in his crate! Yuck... nothing like cleaning doggy throw up in the middle of the night. Then we put him back in there and about an hour later he was howling again. So I had Brendon go sleep downstairs with him since I hadn't fallen back asleep from the first time. Needless to say it was a long night. After I left for work Jake got sick a few more times and Brendon ended up taking him to the vet. The vet didn't see anything really wrong...poor guy! So the vet said no water for 12 hours and no food for 24 hours. I gave him a little water a little bit ago and he seemed really thirsty! Hopefully he will keep it down and feel better soon! Olivia had a wonderful trip to the vet today! She also wore gray today and it looked so cute on her.
There were 2 cute moments today:
1. Jake was lying on the floor and Olivia crawled over to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead! So cute!
2. While we were playing in her room she crawled over to her book case and took 2 books off the shelf and started looking at one by herself! It was so cute!!
It is hard to get pictures of her now since she won't sit still!!
Checking out her Big Bird book |
About to chomp down... |
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