Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Our Little Cupcake

Today Olivia was such a little cupcake...well kinda.  She was great this morning and early afternoon.  But she only took about an hour and fifteen minute afternoon nap- really only about an hour.  She woke up and was playing so I let her play.  Well the playing commenced to crying so I tried to let her cry it out but that didn't work.  So I just rocked her to get her settled but she never went back to sleep.  I was at such peace while rocking her.  It is one of those moments where you wish you could freeze time.  It was great to cuddle and snuggle with her.  These moments go by so fast but I wish they could last forever.  I thought to myself as I was rocking her- nothing really else matters right now except this moment. 

If you haven't already, if you scroll down to the blogs we follow (on the left) and click on the little green family- they posted a video from Halle's Memorial (Celebration) service.  I watched it last night and it is truly amazing to watch.  What a true celebration of a precious baby.  One of the most moving parts is when the parents speak.  The dad, Chris, truly spoke from the heart and captured the unconditional love for his family.  His speech goes along with a movie that Brendon and I watched this week- Courageous.  If you have the time to watch that movie it will make you want to be a better parent and partially understand the life we live.  The theme of Chris' speech and the movie of just being good enough dad/parent isn't enough.  So I urge you to put down that cell phone, computer, or video game or whatever distracts you from your children and pick up your child, take them by the hand and cherish every moment.  Become something better than a good enough parent. 

Our little cupcake


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