Saturday, January 21, 2012

10 Months Old

Wow! 10 Months old! Two more months and Olivia will be a year old.  Holy Cow! Well today started out with a boom- literally.  We had horrible storms this morning.  One strike of lightning was so close that Brendon saw the glass on the doors shake.  It was pretty scary at times.  It was so bad that I decided not to take Olivia to Gymboree today.  It was not worth a horrible car ride and the dangerous conditions.  I tried to do some Gymboree stuff at home- we sang songs and had bubbles.  It didn't matter because Olivia was not in her best mood today.  She did not want to nap this morning- not sure if it was the storms or what- she actually got scared of some of the thunder.  I ended up rocking with her for over an hour and she would be snoozing and I'd go to set her down in the crib- and then crying.  Finally I got her to lay down for about 25 minutes.  Then we did lots of playing and there was lots of crying today...I think I saw a tooth but not sure- she won't let me look!

Here is her 10 month update:

* Drinks water from the sippy cup like a champion- we have tried formula in the sippy cup but she knows the difference and doesn't want it with formula.

* She is a proficient and fast crawler!

* Cruising around- cruises around furniture and walks with her walking stroller all over.  She starts to let go sometimes when standing but mostly just plops on her butt!

* Pulls up on anything and everything- with and without ledges.

* Still working on finger foods- does well with graham crackers.  Puffs and Cheerios does ok- still working on getting it into her mouth. Jake gets most of the food!

* Started a little bit of table foods- likes bread, corn, carrots, pasta.

* Still sleeps pretty good- 2 naps (1 morning and 1 afternoon) and sleeps through the night

* She has favorite toys- her Baby Einstein book- STILL, and her pink laptop. Loves the activity table- we already had to change the batteries in it!

* She likes to chew on books- we still read to her every night- even if it is the same book.  She has a few favorites.  A Sesame Street book- Abby Cadabby, and tonight she pulled out the Noisy Farm book and I showed her how to make the noises.

* She can crawl the stairs by herself but we are ALWAYS right behind her.

* She takes a bath in the big bath tub and plays with her toys in the bath.  She also can stand up in the bath tub.

* Her hair is getting longer and is a little wispy at the ends.

* She knows routines- like the bath routine and when we are going in the car.

* She is saying some words- da da, she can get the uh part of uh oh, and is starting to say some other sounds. 

* She is wearing 9 month clothes and is wearing shoes when we go out.  Most of the time she has socks on or is bare foot in the house.

* She has 1 tooth! Hopefully more are coming in soon!

She is just growing up way to fast!
Tried to get her crying but she stopped...

Not a happy camper!

Really mom?

Ok I will smile for this one!

Funny Face I love you!


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