Today was super Sunday. I slept until about 7:15 and then we went to church. I was so good at church. I even received some compliments on how good I was. When we got home I didn't want to nap. So I stayed awake while mommy and daddy ate breakfast. Then finally I took a nap around 12:30. When I woke up there was some company at our house. Our neighbors the Korems were over. I had so much fun with them- so much fun that I didn't take my second nap. I was a pretty good girl while they were here and I played with Kristy and Karyn. I only got fussy towards the end. Mommy and Daddy asked Karyn and Rick if they would be my Godparents and they said YES! We are so happy that they will be Olivia's godparents!! So my parents have the job of scheduling my baptism soon. After they left I tried to Skype with Grandma and Aunt Cheryl but I was a little fussy. So mommy gave me my bath- and I cried almost the whole time getting my bath and I was so tired I fell asleep taking my bedtime bottle. I guess I am not a big enough girl to skip naps yet. But I had such a fun Sunday!
Helping daddy with his Fantasy Football team!
Playing outside on my exersaucer. |
Playing with Kristy and Karyn |
Best toy of the day. I discovered water bottles and they fit perfectly in my mouth. I am doing such a good job holding it. |
Too cute!
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